
Oral History Transcrip

Me: Grandma, Can I get your help with one of my projects?
Grandmother: What kind of project?
Me: I just have to ask you some questions and record your answers.
Grandmother: Yes you can ask me questions and I’ll do my best to answer.
Me: Where did you grow up?
Grandmother: I grew up in a small village in the countryside.
Me: What were the many different cultures that you all would follow back then?
Grandmother: Back then we were primarily responsible for taking care of the household and raising children. We were expected to be obedient and submissive to our husbands. Families would live in close-knit communities where relatives would often gather for family events and celebrations. There was a strong sense of kinship and support among family members. There was also a strong emphasis on respect for elders, obedience to authority, and adherence to cultural traditions.
Me: Do you feel it’s different today compared to back then?
Grandmother: Women are more empowered and have equal rights and opportunities than men. They are no longer confined to traditional gender roles and have the freedom to pursue their careers and interests. Nowadays Families are more dispersed, and people rely more on friendships and social networks for support. They believe that their friends can understand them better than their own family which is lonely actually. Also, so many younger people don’t respect their elders anymore.
Me: I’m sorry to hear your dissatisfaction. But that was all of the questions that I wanted to ask you so thank you for answering my questions.
Grandmother: It’s all very fine. Glad I was able to help you with your studies

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