
Rhetorical Analysis Essay

Mark Biswas

ENG 11000

Jason E Lobell


Thesis: The narratives of Norton, Didion, Walker, and Ellison, analyzed alongside scholarly interpretations, reveal the profound impact of storytelling and the diverse rhetorical strategies employed by each author to engage readers, prompting reflection, and fostering understanding.

Title: Rehtorical Analysis Essay

Literature, in its myriad forms, has long served as a conduit for authors to convey their experiences, beliefs, and societal critiques. This essay embarks on a thorough examination of the narratives crafted by Norton, Didion, Walker, and Ellison, aiming to dissect the rhetorical strategies employed by each author. Through an exploration of their respective works—Norton’s “Writing a Literacy Narrative,” Didion’s “Why I Write,” Walker’s “Everyday Use,” and Ellison’s “Harlem is Nowhere”—we seek to unravel how these authors effectively communicate their messages and engage readers.

Norton’s “Writing a Literacy Narrative”

Norton’s “Writing a Literacy Narrative” stands as a foundational text in the realm of personal storytelling. Norton adopts a reflective and instructional tone, drawing from personal experience and expertise in literacy studies to guide readers through the process of constructing their own narratives. The strategic use of rhetorical questions serves to prompt introspection and foster reader engagement, encouraging individuals to explore their own literacy journeys.

Joan Didion’s “Why I Write”

In “Why I Write,” Didion offers readers a candid glimpse into the motivations and existential struggles that underpin her identity as a writer. Through a masterful blend of personal anecdotes and philosophical reflections, Didion constructs a narrative that is both introspective and universally resonant. The strategic incorporation of vivid imagery and concise prose captivates readers, compelling them to reflect on their own creative impulses and existential inquiries.

Muggli, Mark Z. “The Poetics of Joan Didion’s Journalism.” American Literature, vol. 59, no. 3, 1987, pp. 402–21. JSTOR, Accessed 8 May 2024.

While general analyses of print media by historians, political scientists, sociologists, and communication theorists are common, close examination of individual journalistic texts is rare. Some scholars like Shelley Fisher Fishkin have studied the relationship between journalism and fiction, while the New Journalism movement sparked discussions on factual works by writers such as Norman Mailer and Tom Wolfe. However, even notable figures like Joan Didion receive limited attention in this regard. Didion’s journalism stands out not just because of her literary stature but also due to its authoritative tone and unique portrayal of events, diverging from traditional reporting. Recent discussions on literary journalism have focused on reporters’ involvement in their stories and the debate between “objective” presentation and “subjective” interpretation. Didion’s use of the first-person narrative has garnered attention, but her distinctive portrayal of events remains a key aspect deserving further analysis.

Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use”

“Everyday Use” by Alice Walker intricately weaves together themes of heritage, identity, and familial relationships within the framework of a short story. Walker’s narrative prowess shines through her adept use of dialect, symbolism, and character development, which serve to immerse readers in the lives of her characters. The juxtaposition of traditional values with modern ideologies underscores the complexities of cultural identity and familial dynamics, prompting readers to contemplate the significance of heritage and the enduring power of personal narratives.

Alice Walker’s second novel, “Meridian” (1976), follows the life of Meridian Hill, a young African American woman who sacrifices her relationship with her child to pursue education at Saxon College during the civil rights era. After a brief involvement with a revolutionary group in New York, Meridian returns to the South, embracing the activism of the civil rights movement. The narrative begins in the mid-1970s with the arrival of Truman Held, Meridian’s former lover, in her small Southern town. Truman’s presence triggers a series of flashbacks and fragmented stories, creating a narrative that Walker describes as a “crazy quilt” in structure and content, capable of moving across time and incorporating various levels of meaning, including myth.

Ralph Ellison’s “Harlem is Nowhere”

“Harlem is Nowhere” by Ralph Ellison offers readers a vivid portrayal of urban life and the struggles faced by marginalized communities. Ellison’s richly descriptive language and evocative imagery transport readers to the streets of Harlem, immersing them in the sights, sounds, and textures of the city. Through the seamless integration of social commentary with personal narrative, Ellison sheds light on the complexities of identity, belonging, and cultural alienation, challenging readers to confront the harsh realities of urban life and recognize the resilience of its inhabitants.

Bosse, W. (2020, September 18). “Oh, man, I’m nowhere.” Routledge eBooks.

Walter Bosse analyzes Ralph Ellison’s essay “Harlem Is Nowhere,” focusing on Ellison’s exploration of space in mid-20th century Harlem. Bosse argues that Ellison’s text offers a unique perspective on urban black modernity, emphasizing the significance of the Lafargue Psychiatric Clinic as an institutional setting. Bosse highlights how patients’ response of “I’m nowhere” to the question “How are you?” reflects both the challenges of life in Harlem and a form of agency, as individuals assert control over their existence by embracing the concept of “nowhere.” This rejection of societal binaries allows for the construction of alternative spaces filled with potential for liberation, offering new insights into the history of the black Atlantic and the black vernacular.

In conclusion, the narratives of Norton, Didion, Walker, and Ellison serve as poignant reminders of the transformative power of storytelling. Through their adept use of rhetorical strategies, including ethos, pathos, and logos, these authors engage readers on intellectual and emotional levels, prompting reflection and fostering understanding. By dissecting the rhetorical strategies employed by each author and examining scholarly analyses that support the argument, we gain a deeper understanding of the complexities inherent in narrative construction and its profound impact on readers.


Reflection on my Self Assessment Essay

Writing that self-assessment essay made me think about how much I’ve learned this semester. It was cool to look back and see where I’ve grown, like understanding how language attitudes affect people and getting better at different writing styles. But it also made me realize there’s still a lot I can work on, especially using rhetorical strategies more consistently and mastering digital tools. Overall, it was a good exercise in seeing my progress and figuring out where to go next.


Self Assessment Essay

This semester, I’ve been working hard to meet the goals set out in this course. Let’s take a look at how I’ve been doing with each of them.

I’ve been thinking a lot about how people’s attitudes towards language can either empower or oppress others. It’s been eye-opening to see how sticking to certain language norms can give some people more opportunities while leaving others behind. I know I could have explored this topic more deeply by looking at a wider range of perspectives.

From analyzing persuasive essays to writing my own stories, I’ve been exposed to lots of different writing styles and situations. Getting feedback from classmates has helped me improve my writing, but I still need to work on understanding the different techniques used in various types of writing.

I’ve improved my writing process this semester. I’ve learned to read actively, collaborate with others, and revise my work multiple times to make it better. But I know I can keep refining these strategies to make my writing even clearer and more organized.

Learning about rhetorical devices like ethos, pathos, and logos has been interesting, and I’ve tried to use them in my writing to persuade my audience. However, I need to work on using them more consistently and effectively.

In today’s world, knowing how to use both print and digital tools is crucial for communication. I’ve experimented with different formats like essays and presentations, but I know there’s still more I can learn about using technology to reach different audiences.

Overall, I’ve made progress in meeting the course objectives, but there’s still room for improvement. I’m committed to continuing to develop my skills in understanding language attitudes, analyzing different writing styles, refining my writing process, mastering rhetorical strategies, and using technology effectively. With more practice and reflection, I’m confident I can become a better writer and communicator.


    Oral History Analysis

    Family culture is an essential aspect that binds generations together and shapes our identities. It is the values, traditions, beliefs, and practices that are passed down from one generation to another. However, as time progresses, these aspects of family culture evolve and change.

    The older relative I interviewed for this project is my grandmother, who is in her late 80s. She grew up in a small village in the countryside and has seen significant changes in family culture over the years. During the interview, she shared her insights on various aspects of family culture that have altered from her generation to mine and the reasons behind these alterations.

    One of the main aspects of family culture that my grandmother highlighted was the role of women in the family. In her generation, women were primarily responsible for taking care of the household and raising children. They were expected to be obedient and submissive to their husbands. However, in my generation, women are more empowered and have equal rights and opportunities than men. They are no longer confined to traditional gender roles and have the freedom to pursue their careers and interests. This shift in gender roles has led to greater gender equality and empowerment of women in society.

    Another aspect of family culture that my grandmother discussed was the importance of extended family relationships. In her generation, families lived in close-knit communities where relatives would often gather for family events and celebrations. There was a strong sense of kinship and support among family members. However, in my generation, with the rise of nuclear families and urbanization, extended family relationships have become less significant. Families are more dispersed, and people rely more on friendships and social networks for support. This change has both positive and negative implications, as it can lead to greater independence but also a sense of isolation and loneliness.

    Furthermore, my grandmother also pointed out the shift in traditional values and norms in family culture. In her generation, there was a strong emphasis on respect for elders, obedience to authority, and adherence to cultural traditions. However, in my generation, there is a greater emphasis on individualism, self-expression, and personal fulfillment. Younger generations are more likely to challenge traditional norms and values and seek new paths in life. This change in values has led to greater diversity and inclusivity in family culture but also some loss of traditional values and customs.

    Overall, the alterations in family culture from older generations to younger generations can be attributed to various factors, including social, economic, and technological changes. As society evolves, so do our values, beliefs, and practices. It is essential to recognize and understand these changes to navigate the complexities of family life in the modern world.

    In conclusion, the interview with my grandmother has provided valuable insights into the alterations in family culture from her generation to mine. Through her experiences and perspectives, I have gained a deeper understanding of the reasons behind these alterations and the impact they have on our lives. Family culture is a dynamic and evolving aspect of society that reflects the changing times. It is important to embrace these changes while also preserving the core values and traditions that bind us together as a family. As we look towards the future, it is crucial to continue exploring and discussing these alterations in family culture to ensure the well-being and unity of future generations.


    Oral History Transcrip

    Me: Grandma, Can I get your help with one of my projects?
    Grandmother: What kind of project?
    Me: I just have to ask you some questions and record your answers.
    Grandmother: Yes you can ask me questions and I’ll do my best to answer.
    Me: Where did you grow up?
    Grandmother: I grew up in a small village in the countryside.
    Me: What were the many different cultures that you all would follow back then?
    Grandmother: Back then we were primarily responsible for taking care of the household and raising children. We were expected to be obedient and submissive to our husbands. Families would live in close-knit communities where relatives would often gather for family events and celebrations. There was a strong sense of kinship and support among family members. There was also a strong emphasis on respect for elders, obedience to authority, and adherence to cultural traditions.
    Me: Do you feel it’s different today compared to back then?
    Grandmother: Women are more empowered and have equal rights and opportunities than men. They are no longer confined to traditional gender roles and have the freedom to pursue their careers and interests. Nowadays Families are more dispersed, and people rely more on friendships and social networks for support. They believe that their friends can understand them better than their own family which is lonely actually. Also, so many younger people don’t respect their elders anymore.
    Me: I’m sorry to hear your dissatisfaction. But that was all of the questions that I wanted to ask you so thank you for answering my questions.
    Grandmother: It’s all very fine. Glad I was able to help you with your studies


    Reflection of LL Narrative

    I think this assignment was interesting for me as this assignment made me go back to past and recount my experiences of learning the English language. Those experiences are like a lesson to me and guides me on my path.


    LL Narrative

    Mark Biswas

    Professor Lobell

    Freshman Composition


    I was raised and born in Bangladesh. So, the first language that I learned was Bangla. My parents weren’t that great in English, so they didn’t teach it to me. When I was little my father bought me a computer. The computer system was in English language and all the games were also on English. So, I had learned English mainly from playing games and watching English movies. I was able to speak and understand English way better than my classmates. Even the English teachers wouldn’t speak English that well. Whenever they would ask how I can speak English so well and understand it I would just tell them that I learned it from games. They wouldn’t believe me and say that it’s not true. But it was the truth. I would use voice chat in online games and practice my English speaking with foreigners. While I would play single player games to understand English. When me and my family was moving to the United States, I finally thought to myself that I can use my English skills here where it was the main language. My parents still struggle with understanding and speaking English so they would bring me with them most of the time for important stuff so I can explain to them in Bangla. Even in my high school here I was able to speak English better than many people who were born and raised here. Obviously, they would be surprised too when I tell them that I learned English not by studying but instead playing games. People would also speak in different accents of English so I wouldn’t understand them sometimes. I didn’t know that there were so many different types of English speaking. I guess I still have a lot to learn. I am still trying my best everyday to adapt better to life here. My parents still think that playing games won’t do me much, but I think otherwise. Playing games helped me develop my English and my life easier in the States. Every experience is valuable and useful in different cases. So even if it’s not useful today but someday it will be. You never know when that experience can help you out one day.


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